Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
first of all, we pray our gratitude to Allah SWT who has given health to come together in this happy place
prayers and greetings we give to the king rasullah SAW which has given us this insight in our lives
I respect teachers and the jury. today I will speak about the independence
next to commemorate the birthday of our country's independence. we hope, may we further increase our love for homeland and nation, further enhance our struggle against the state and nation, more unites soul and all our bodies to strengthen national unity and integrity
if we remember the heroes of the struggle in 1945, it came clear in our mind that the spirit of battle like a flame that never goes out so great that converges on the souls of the heroes of the 45 fighters. yet no less important as the role of all of us now. the struggle is not yet complete. many victims have been falling, so let us continue to improve the soul and spirit of 45, with a formidable embody the soul of development
prosperity based on Pancasila not be achieved. For that there is still much we must strive. Independence as the heroes of our heritage we should be content with the soul of a blazing fire to re-awaken Indonesia
soul and spirit is a soul and a spirit of togetherness. The soul that promote the common interests above group interests. For that too we must enhance the sense of solidarity of nation and state. Unity and national unity more on our personal interests and groups. Grow continue the spirit of togetherness in the ideals of independence ideals memperjuangkan
insha allah hope the Indonesian people to achieve a just and prosperous life based on Pancasila and the Constitution 45 is achieved by growing spirit of unity and national unity of Indonesia.
finished my speech today, survivors struggled, congratulations to build our beloved nation and country is
long live Indonesia!
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
prayers and greetings we give to the king rasullah SAW which has given us this insight in our lives
I respect teachers and the jury. today I will speak about the independence
next to commemorate the birthday of our country's independence. we hope, may we further increase our love for homeland and nation, further enhance our struggle against the state and nation, more unites soul and all our bodies to strengthen national unity and integrity
if we remember the heroes of the struggle in 1945, it came clear in our mind that the spirit of battle like a flame that never goes out so great that converges on the souls of the heroes of the 45 fighters. yet no less important as the role of all of us now. the struggle is not yet complete. many victims have been falling, so let us continue to improve the soul and spirit of 45, with a formidable embody the soul of development
prosperity based on Pancasila not be achieved. For that there is still much we must strive. Independence as the heroes of our heritage we should be content with the soul of a blazing fire to re-awaken Indonesia
soul and spirit is a soul and a spirit of togetherness. The soul that promote the common interests above group interests. For that too we must enhance the sense of solidarity of nation and state. Unity and national unity more on our personal interests and groups. Grow continue the spirit of togetherness in the ideals of independence ideals memperjuangkan
insha allah hope the Indonesian people to achieve a just and prosperous life based on Pancasila and the Constitution 45 is achieved by growing spirit of unity and national unity of Indonesia.
finished my speech today, survivors struggled, congratulations to build our beloved nation and country is
long live Indonesia!
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
pertama tama, kita panjatkan puji syukur kita kepada Allah SWT yang telah memberikan kesehatan untuk berkumpul di tempat yang berbahagia ini
shalawat dan salam kita berikan kepada baginda rasullah SAW yang telah memberikan kita pencerahan dalam kehidupan kita ini
Yang saya hormati Guru dan Dewan Juri. pada hari ini saya akan berpidato tentang kemerdekaan
selanjutnya dengan memperingati hari ulang tahun kemerdekaan Negara kita ini. kami berharap, semoga kita lebih meningkatkan rasa cinta kita pada tanah air dan bangsa, lebih meningkatkan daya juang kita terhadap bangsa dan negara, lebih mempersatukan jiwa dan segenap raga kita untuk memperkokoh persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa
jika kita kenang perjuangan para pahlawan tahun 1945, maka terlintas jelas di benak kita bahwa semangat pertempuran yang bagaikan api yang tak kunjung padam itu begitu hebat menyatu pada jiwa para pahlawan pejuang 45 itu. namun demikian tak kalah pentingnya dengan peran kita semua sekarang ini. perjuangan belumlah selesai. korban telah banyak berjatuhan, maka marilah kita tingkatkan terus jiwa dan semangat 45, dengan mewujudkan jiwa pembangunan yang tangguh
kemakmuran berdasarkan Pancasila belum kita capai. Untuk itu masih banyak yang harus kita perjuangkan. Kemerdekaan sebagai warisan para pahlawan kita ini hendaknya kita isi dengan jiwa api yang berkobar untuk membangkitkan Indonesia kembali
jiwa dan semangat ialah jiwa dan semangat kebersamaan. Jiwa yang mendahulukan kepentingan bersama diatas kepentingan golongan. Untuk itu pula maka kita wajib meningkatkan rasa solidaritas berbangsa dan bernegara. Persatuan dan kesatuan nasional lebih di atas kepentingan kita secara pribadi dan golongan. Tumbuhkan terus semangat kebersamaan dalam meperjuangkan cita cita kemerdekaan
insya allah harapan bangsa Indonesia mencapai kehidupan yang adil dan makmur berdasarkan pancasila dan UUD 45 tercapai dengan menumbuhkan semangat persatuan dan kesatuan nasional Indonesia.
selesai sudah pidato saya hari ini, selamat berjuang, selamat membangun bangsa dan Negara kita tercinta ini
dirgahayu Indonesia !
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
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